Posts: 676
Location: Wisconsin | There is an issue with 2010 Lakemaster cards and some "legacy" or older Lowrance or Eagle units. Along with the 2.5 software update, you need to also have the newest version of the Lakemaster 2010 card. The version is on the back of the package and the card I believe, but it should be version 4.1 for Wisconsin. This card along with the Lowrance software updates will allow the cards to work in most of the older Lowrance units. It should work for the past three generations of units. If you have a previous Lakemaster card, I guess Lakemaster will exchange them for the newer verison. Contact Lakemaster for that.
Add: You should always check the Lowrance website and keep your locator / GPS up to date with the current firmware, just good sledding.
Edited by Muskiemetal 5/5/2010 12:59 PM