Posts: 426
Location: Perryville, MO | Great post, Steve (spot on). But while I agree with everything you said, I find it interesting that you still aren't using ethanol. I know, your concern is the octane and not the alcohol. But still somewhat telling. Again, I really do agree with you. Maintence is everything. Alright, maintence and using the gas regularlly so that it doesn't have time to separate. But I'd still like the option to not worry about my carbs gumming up. Can't do it here in Missouri at a gas station, but I can get it from my local farmers. Now that's just crazy! Yeah, the farmers who are selling the food to be turned into gas around here, don't like running the stuff in their machinery. C'mon, that's nutty! And without sounding like an conspirist (and still supporting the farmers who I dearly love) there's better ways to make gas than corn, and that's just plain facts. BTW, sea foam is a great product and worth the money for my investment. Just my 2 cents!
Edited by hawkeye9 2/24/2010 5:52 PM