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Posted 4/9/2009 8:07 AM (#371192 - in reply to #371122)
Subject: RE: Old School Shell lake rebuild

Posts: 1245

Location: Madtown, WI
Thanks guys! I am glad others have enjoyed it too. I personally like watching projects like this progress and seeing the end results.

I dumped her in the water last night for the first time, since I had never had it in the water, and everything was good! I was most concerned about my motor since it had acted up a little last year, but started right up and ran great.

Still on the fence about taking out the center seat just because it is quite a bit of weight (It has steel underneath it). But I will hold off a while on that.

Taking it north this weekend to drop it off for the second weekend in May when the boys and I are hitting the walleyes!


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