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Posted 4/1/2009 2:08 PM (#369610 - in reply to #369606)
Subject: RE: modified 14ft aluminum boat

Posts: 416

Location: Madtown, WI
I did the exact same thing last season for my first boat. I totally gutted an old aluminum 14 footer and built a front and rear casting platform. It definitely can stand up to moderate waves but I would avoid the windy side with anything more than 15+mph winds, which is a shame since I outfitted it with a 55lb thrust trolling motor which can withstand any wind on that light of a boat. I don't think you need to worry about stability, just check a forecast before heading out and if it calls for 15-20+ winds simply plan accordingly.

As crazy as it sounds, I love this boat. It's perfect for fishing by yourself but I will admit, it's pretty cramped with 2 people.

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