Posts: 32886
Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin | So place a base on the furthest rear of the front deck; you can even use a 'half base' to get more room in front of the bike seat. I fished out of a Roustabout for years, and thought it was very comfortable. Gander Mt Guide runs one now, and seems to like it fine! I used a bike seat and Pro Pole up front, and felt I had plenty of room. I don't like the front seat because it takes up too much room and I stand all day anyway. The boat is VERY stable, which is what is required for standing all day, correct?
It's a 14' 10" boat, what can one expect for room in a boat under 15' in length? The 'storage' cubbyhole under the front deck is for life vests,etc, and can't be any deeper for batteries or gasoline tanks because of the low profile design, raising the deck far enough and extending it back enough to get room for batteries or gas tanks isn't possible with a low profile design like this one; look at how the front of the boat sweeps upward under that deck and tell me how the storage could be any deeper. If one extends the front deck, the cockpit becomes too small for most. The boat is a low profile 'base model' that costs under 10K brand new powered by a 15, which is plenty of HP, by the way. I've attached an image of the Esox so folks can see the front deck.
IF the cockpit room for the second seat is OK with you to be cramped a bit, then building a front deck extension would work just fine. It can basically be a 4 sided 'box' with a base in the center, botted through the existing front deck. I've honestly never had anyone do that to my knowledge, but it wouldn't be hard to do at all.
The Bassabout is a completely different interior than yours, and has a rear deck and console. The tank goes under the deck.
Attachments ---------------- slide072702.jpg (70KB - 458 downloads)