| It sounds to me like your motor has been really good to you. 1000 hrs on a motor is not extreme. They last alot longer than that. The cables are cheap to replace and I dont know why your steering cable would be bad. Even if it is I'm sure its a single cable and shouldnt be that much anyway. If I was you I would take the motor to a mechanic and have him check it over, give you an estimate, and go from there. New motors break down too. $10,000? Check out some used rigs first an then decide. I was thinking the same as you about a year ago and I just couldnt justify it. I bought a used rig with 39 hours and couldnt be happier. Looked like new except about half the price. Theres lots a stuff out there at great prices. Dont take this the wrong way please. Just sharing an opinion with you like you asked. | |