Posts: 2753
Location: Mauston, Wisconsin | TJ's right; if it froze, it was not fully charged, it's probably toast. I would be very careful if trying to recharge it and load test the battery. The charging process generates hydrogen gas internal to the battery. If there is a cracked plate connector or inner cell weld, you could get a spark and a explosion.
A fully charged lead-acid battery can handle -92F. When a battery is discharged the specific gravity of the electrolyte changes because the ratio of water (H20) and sulphuric acid has been changed by the discharge process electro-chemistry. This effectively raises the freezing point of the electrolyte. If the battery is discharged to zero volts- the electrolyte is almost pure water. Check out the electrolyte freezing points on page #4 of 8 in this Trojan Deep Cycle Battery Mainetenance Manual. There is lot's of valuable information in this document.
Have fun!
"My advice to anglers who hold fish up vertically by the gills is to eat it." Dr. Colin Attwood, Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Roggebaai, South Africa.