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Posting a reply to: Ulterra 60” or 72”

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Posted 10/20/2024 9:11 AM (#1031224)
Subject: Ulterra 60” or 72”

Posts: 1456

Location: Kronenwetter, WI
I am looking at getting an Ulterra and have always run a 60” shaft. For those running a 72” shaft do you find it gets in the way when fishing shallow water (shaft sticks up too high). I fish Green Bay a few weeks a year and so looking at the 72” since I”ve had my 60” pulls out when fully deployed on my 619

Honestly when the 60” gets pulled out due to waves it is nearly unfishable anyhow so I’m not sure it is worth getting the 72” since it might stick up too high when fishing less than 3 FOW—-Maybe I answered my own question….

Anyhow looking for those who have run both to share their thoughts.

Edited by Cowboyhannah 10/20/2024 9:14 AM

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