| Update on this dated topic! Ended up raising my motor 1 notch, did not help with top end speed but seemed to help slightly with my porpoising issue. I also had a water pressure gauge installed when the motor was raised. Motor does not cavitate and holds perfectly fine on sharp turns. My cavitation plate is not visible when running at cruising speed. I believe I can raise my motor once more to the last available hole. Boat does porpoise with 2nd person in back of boat, or if I do not trim down after running at top speed. The amount of resistance I’ve met from marinas/boat dealers has been beyond frustrating. Contacted 4 places about raising the motor to the bottom hole. 2 flat out told me they wouldn’t with 1 of them trying to make me feel an idiot. One of the 4 agreed to look at it and get back to me. Just received his analysis earlier today. Honda recommends all motors have the cavitation plate set even with the bottom of the hull. They strongly suggest I LOWER the motor back 1 notch……LOL. He then said after consulting with his service techs the porpoising issue is probably due to a hull defect and I need to contact Alumacraft to rectify the situation. He mentioned all their motors are set low as possible….and mentioned possible liability. My Honda 150 still has 3 years warranty, are their issues for raising the motor?? | |