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Posted 6/24/2024 1:55 PM (#1029263 - in reply to #1029127)
Subject: Re: Ulterra

Posts: 1037

In regards to the whole "hex head" and belt tightening...... I wouldn't say I had Ulterra issues, but I did notice a slight delay, then overcorrection by the motor when using the remote earlier this year. Once I tightened the belt, that went away. So, if you feel there is a lag, or delay from remote to motor, that might be something to look at.

And...once when I first got the motor, it was stuck in the down position. It would try to stow, but then it would stop and go back down. My wife googled it and while she was figuring out how to fix it, I noticed that the cords were really tight. I just straightened out the cords so that the cords were not "strangling" the unit when it went up, then all was fixed.

Again, they work great, right up until the time that they don't, so if you have one, also have a backup plan.

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