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North of 8
Posted 6/3/2024 8:10 PM (#1028862 - in reply to #1028860)
Subject: Re: Boat registration decal number REMOVAL????

Jeremy - 6/3/2024 6:58 PM

Kirby Budrow - 6/3/2024 3:30 PM

Side note. It is illegal to put stickers on top of the old ones in MN. I had a coworker who was ticketed by a grumpy (now retired) CO for doing that.

Wooow, unreal that they even made that legality and certainly one I was very unaware of - an' here I thought I knew danged near everything!!!

Thanks Kirby...

The first line of instructions for the WI registration stickers is "1. Remove all decals from previous years."
I was told the concern is that you could remove more easily and transfer to another boat. 2 boats, 1 set of registration stickers?

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