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Angling Oracle
Posted 5/14/2024 4:31 PM (#1028421 - in reply to #1028393)
Subject: Re: Bilge Question

Posts: 359

Location: Selkirk, Manitoba
If your overflow tube is set pretty close to the top of the livewell maximum fill, when underway you may get spillage out of the livewell (or even just in swells or more weight distribution to the back of the boat - this overflow will get into your bilge of course. I have this in my Crestliner Fishhawk - I cut the tube a bit shorter and put an autobilge switch in as well to account for it and overnight rain, etc. Not sure if your boat is set up the same but this is for the smaller livewell this boat has beside the driver and prone to this spillage when getting up on plane or trimmed up in swells.

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