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Posting a reply to: Re: 2001 Crestliner Fish Hawk transom repair

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Posted 5/9/2024 4:55 PM (#1028345 - in reply to #1028261)
Subject: Re: 2001 Crestliner Fish Hawk transom repair

Posts: 648

Location: Duluth
RLSea - 5/6/2024 10:04 PM

I have seen shops use a chainsaw to clean out old transom.

The corded Black and Decker chainsaw can be found in any real boat shop. Works like magic, especially on stringers.

The fit and finish of just about every single production boat is poor to say the least. Lord only knows how many glass sparkle boats have picked up a couple hundred pounds through the years, it happens when hardware isn't properly bedded and cheap materials and labor are used.

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