Posts: 2334
Location: Chisholm, MN | djwilliams - 4/19/2024 10:52 AM
I am not sure the Sure Mount system will work. I did go online after my post and looked at that. The gunnel does not have the T groove cut into the inside of it. Thanks for the advice on the C sized mounts. The size D Ram mount is the recommended mount for the Garmin 93 SV. I do not believe the gimbell mount will fit in the space given that the windshield has to go on. The whole D apparatus is 8+ pounds and just looks like overkill. Of course I have been known to overthink simple solutions to simple problems. We took out the cupholder and noted that there is a sub deck below the console material that appears fairly thick and substantial.
I would use a different mount. The RAM ball really isn't that great. As far as limitations on space. You could mount it on the gunnel to the right of the console. The RAM swing arm would hold it well. The Ball RAM can and will move around after a while. My 2013 fish hawk probably has more space than yours and I have 2 9" graphs mounted to it and it holds. But I don't know what yours is like. |