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Posted 4/19/2024 9:35 AM (#1027879)
Subject: 2004 1750 Fishhawk

Posts: 781

Location: Ames, Iowa
Probably been a year since I've been here. I just brought home this boat after buying it in MN. Has a 2003 Suzuki 115 4 stroke on it with 250 hours. Bought it from the original owner who only trailered it less than 2 miles to the access on Lake Emily. Longest trip it had were roundtrips to Remer for routine maintenance. It literally looks brand new inside and out. Here's some questions:
1) I bought a 9 inch Garmin to go on this boat. Recommended Ram mount is a D sized medium arm or short arm. They seem so heavy. Will the console deck support this sized mount? Can I get by with the C sized mount if I can get the holes aligned?
2) I want to put in a Scotty rod mount on the inside edge of the gunnel behind the single console driver's seat. I also need to put on a bimini top to protect my old skin from the sun. I'll have to set those bimini rails on the inside top edge of the gunnel as this boat has a new 85 snap canvas cover with it. Where on the gunnel and how deep can I drill and set screws for both of these? Can I take off the throttle and remove that vinyl cover over the wiring to get a better view of what I have inside there?

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