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Posted 4/14/2024 2:37 PM (#1027735 - in reply to #1026993)
Subject: Re: Helix 12 wiring question

Posts: 357

Location: Long Prairie, Minnesota
After a bunch of testing and working with Humminbird the problem was finally figured out. All along the issue was the battery. Gave a “good” reading so we figured that was a nonissue. New wiring, connecting to wall plug in and problem was still occuring. Took the battery back to a different store to be tested and it came back as good, needs recharging. He asked me how long it had been since I charge the battery and told him I had just taken it off the charger. Said that reading, if battery is fully charged, means there are weak plates in the battery causing it to lose charge very fast. Bought new battery and back in business.

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