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North of 8
Posted 1/27/2024 8:47 AM (#1025969)
Subject: Kicker Size

I have an older 18' Pro V tiller, with a 15hp four stroke kicker. The kicker works fine, and while it is a carburetor model, after the carb was cleaned, starts, runs without a hitch. Only problem is that it does not have power tilt. To lift when done using, have to step on transom, bend down and lift it. On calm days, not a problem. But a couple times where waves or wakes were bouncing the boat, not pleasant.
I am in my early 70s and fish alone most of the time. While strength training helps with lifting the motor, my balance is not what it was.
I am looking at replacing it and wondering if a 9hp with power tilt would be OK. Seems like it should be but hoped to get some input.
Thanks in advance for any help.

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