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Posted 1/25/2024 11:20 AM (#1025923 - in reply to #1025910)
Subject: Re: Lund Fury 16 v Lund Angler 16

Posts: 94

I fished in a 1600 Fury a handful of years ago but it looks like the same boat. I was on Moose Lake north of Ely and we took the portage over in to Basswood. We had weather too. I had a Smoker Craft 168 Pro Mag with a 25hp on it for many years in the '80s and '90s and took it all over including Eagle, LOTW, Vermilion, etc, etc, so I was familiar with handling such a boat. I was walleye fishing in the 1600 Fury but if I was muskie fishing my issue with the boat would be how low the casting deck was in the front. The 1625 Steve referenced has a much higher deck. For muskie fishing the deck on the 1600 Fury would be a stopper for me. Otherwise no issues with the boat. A boat this size can take you to many places just need to use discretion regarding weather conditions.

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