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Posted 12/22/2023 9:39 AM (#1025324 - in reply to #1025323)
Subject: Re: Can someone educate me on iPilot link? Pro's-con's

Posts: 1296

I mostly fish by myself, and while not absolutely perfect, follow the contour is awesome. On the smaller lakes, you can set it and go completely around the lake and never touch anything. Just fish. You can spot lock while following the contour, and then resume, with the touch of a button. You can also use the Go To, to get from your current spot, to the next spot. The nice thing about this, is that if you want to fiddle with your gear before getting to the next spot, you just set it, and you can re-tie, put on new lures, get a different rod out, take a pee, eat a sandwich, whatever, while the boat just goes to the next spot by itself.

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