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Posted 12/14/2023 11:20 AM (#1025190 - in reply to #1025115)
Subject: Re: Lund Predator 2010 Motor Height

Posts: 2

Thank you for the reply guys.

Prop is a Tempest Plus 3 blade 21P.

Other than turning is there any other performance compromise that would occur? Most of my time is going to be spent in the 30-40mph range since the boat cruises nicely there and doesn't burn through fuel as badly. Is moving 1 hole (or 2) going to have much of an impact on how the bow rides? I'm assuming the added drag lowers the boat it the water when it rides, will it have a noticeable impact on where the water gets displaced with the bow to the point it will change where its thrown? I would not be opposed to the water being moved back a little bit so it doesn't catch wind gusts/gets blown into the cockpit as much.

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