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Posted 10/17/2023 2:45 PM (#1024250 - in reply to #1024229)
Subject: Re: big musky very small lake

Posts: 20229

Location: oswego, il
NPike - 10/16/2023 5:51 AM

ToddM - 10/16/2023 4:57 AM

I know of a 55 caught from a lake less than 175 acres and read an article of one over 50 from one less than 100. Both of those lakes in northern Wisconsin. I've also netted a 50 from a lake less than 80 acres.

Its surprising but wow 55 on a lake less with than a quarter mile of surface area.

That lake is on a river system so it is possible it didn't live it's whole life there but none of the lakes in the system where it was caught are over 300 acres.

Edited by ToddM 10/17/2023 2:46 PM

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