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Posted 9/8/2023 5:37 PM (#1023548 - in reply to #1023546)
Subject: Re: Drotto

Posts: 187

TCESOX - 9/8/2023 4:40 PM

BillM - 9/8/2023 2:37 PM

Don't have one, no issues launching/loading with a roller trailer by myself. Maybe when I get a bit older, but for now. I don't see the need.

At 50, I didn't care about having to scramble over the trolling motor when launching and trailering alone. A decade later, it's become a hassle. I'll be installing a Drotto before the season is over.

I just reach over the front, unlatch the winch and the boat rolls into the water. Same when I load, keep on the gas a bit reach over and latch the winch + safety chain. I'm sure there will be a day when my back doesn't want me to do that anymore

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