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Posted 3/15/2023 10:33 PM (#1019014 - in reply to #1018932)
Subject: Re: Livewell

Posts: 32879

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Muskie101 - 3/13/2023 12:34 PM

acquaman - 3/13/2023 12:29 PM

Muskie101 - 3/9/2023 6:38 AM

danmuskyman - 3/8/2023 7:28 PM

No need to put it n the live well. Fold a seat down over the net handle or rig a bungee cord somewhere. Fish alone all the time and it's a piece of cake. Trying to find a boat with a 60" live well is next to impossible. Guys on St Claire I've read use a company called "fish thanks" I believe for revival tanks, but unless your a charter boat I'm not sure it's worth the investment

Do you have a link also its just a thought for if i caught a state record fish i could be able to get it certified and then go release it

The New York state record is bigger than the world record. ??

Yes the state of NY recognizes the 69 LB 15 oz fish by Arthur Lawson while the IFGA doesn't and recognizes Cal Johnson’s 67 LB 8 oz fish

Neither one of those is legitimate, so I wouldn't worry about catching and registering a WR at those specs, no one has yet.

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