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Posted 3/9/2023 6:38 AM (#1018772 - in reply to #1018765)
Subject: Re: Livewell

Posts: 155

Location: Rochester, New York
danmuskyman - 3/8/2023 7:28 PM

No need to put it n the live well. Fold a seat down over the net handle or rig a bungee cord somewhere. Fish alone all the time and it's a piece of cake. Trying to find a boat with a 60" live well is next to impossible. Guys on St Claire I've read use a company called "fish thanks" I believe for revival tanks, but unless your a charter boat I'm not sure it's worth the investment

Do you have a link also its just a thought for if i caught a state record fish i could be able to get it certified and then go release it

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