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Posted 3/8/2023 5:21 PM (#1018762 - in reply to #1018761)
Subject: Re: Livewell

Posts: 151

Location: Rochester, New York
TCESOX - 3/8/2023 6:11 PM

Your net is your live well for reviving fish. Don't know the regs in NY, but in MN, if you put a fish in your live well, you have reduced it to possession, even if you intend to release it. And with a 54" minimum for possession, there are very few muskies you could put in your live well, without possessing an illegal fish.

I believe of the muskies that are landed in the 1000 islands5 4 “ isnt that uncommon for the big fish but it would be to keep the fish if i was I'm by myself and need to grab something as i couldn’t hold the net and go grab it or its a record and to get it to a bait store and keeping it alive, or if waves start really pick up ect

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