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Posted 1/16/2023 3:12 PM (#1017167 - in reply to #1017161)
Subject: Re: Lithium-ION batteries

Posts: 296

I’m planning on upgrading my new to me 620 to a Lithium set up. Option 1 is 3 12v 60AH with a Yandina TrollBridge combiner. Charges on the fly so plenty AH and in a bind I could use the house battery if one died. Option 2 is a pair of 40 or 50AH 36v batteries in parallel. 80 or 100AH of capacity is substantial and you have a full backup system on a trip.

I’m leaning towards a pair of 36V 40AH from Monster Lithium. 66lbs for a redundant 36v system with great capacity sounds awesome to me. Though I’m not crazy about the having to rely on a single 36v charger on a trip. So we’ll see on that.

Can’t wait to get rid of the lead acid batteries.

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