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Posted 1/15/2023 5:24 PM (#1017161 - in reply to #1017149)
Subject: Re: Lithium-ION batteries

Location: Contrarian Island
I also just bought lithiums for my 620VS for TM and a dedicated battery for electronics. I put in a 31 dual purpose AGM just for starting and 3 100 AH Ionic lithiums and then another dedicated 100AH Ionic for electronics and a new 5 bank charger that can charge any type. I did research as well and while there are definitely cheaper lithiums out there on ebay/Amazon the reviews and issues some had with warranty claims were enough to scare me away. I added a battery and still shaved about 100 lbs out of the boat. I can see the charge % right on my phone for each battery via blue tooth and I look fw to putting them to the test this season.

Edited by BNelson 1/15/2023 5:25 PM

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