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Posted 1/5/2023 11:19 AM (#1016910 - in reply to #1014162)
Subject: Re: 8HP kicker for Skeeter MX1825

Posts: 2

RL Sea - sorry to hijack the thread, but I have a 2010 Reata 1850 that I'm looking to have a 9.9 Prokicker installed this winter. Could you share what shaft length you have? I assume 20". Also, what side of the boat is it mounted on? If port/passenger, was relocating the ladder an issue if yours was there to start with? If driver/starboard, any weight distribution issues on that side with driver-only in the boat or multiple guys casting off that side? For mounting, did you use the Panther 35LE tilt bracket? Thanks for any info you can provide.

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