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Posted 11/3/2022 6:43 PM (#1014323 - in reply to #1013921)
Subject: RE: What boat to choose? 18', new, sub $40k

Posts: 117

Location: Cheyenne, WY most of the year
I'm actually thinking about the Lund Adventure 1775 side console.
I had some questions if anyone had one:
Does anyone know if three agm30 batteries fit in the trolling motor area?
What is the height from the floor to the top of the jump seats? Trying to see if my justencase box will extend the casting area seamlessly.
What RPM are you hitting going 25mph, 30mph?
There is a cover for the rear ladder, can you order a cover for the other side to extend the casting area?
Anyone recommend a good dealer in the Kenora/Winnipeg area to order from? Or other if they'll deliver to LOTW.
Anyone have luck with dealers honoring the price on Lowe's website?


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