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OH Musky
Posted 10/30/2022 11:35 AM (#1014211 - in reply to #1014142)
Subject: Re: 8HP kicker for Skeeter MX1825

Posts: 402

Location: SW Ohio
Thanks for the replies. I picked it up while I was in Florida. Older 8hp Honda. Started right up, idle is a little off from sitting for a while, and shifted fine. Water pump was working well (had it running in a plastic garbage can). Old fella had it on a Gheenoe canoe but didn’t need the motor anymore. He has two other boats as well.

It will be a while before it’s put on my Skeeter but now I’ll have a kicker for trolling. Need to pick up a plate to protect the gel coat, lock bar, a new fuel line and I’ll probably clean the carb. Not sure if I’m going to permanently mount it or only put it on when I need it. We’ll see…

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