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OH Musky
Posted 8/21/2022 7:04 PM (#1010966 - in reply to #1010897)
Subject: RE: Musky Boat

Posts: 402

Location: SW Ohio
gregk9 - 8/18/2022 10:56 PM

I'm really close to the water in the cockpit of my MX 1825, but they quit making them. :(

The front deck is pretty low as well although there are lower ones. I don’t release from the front deck, though. I net, unhook and release from the back.

sworrall - 5/1/2022 11:49 AM

I have a 60" Ultrex on my 1625 Fury XL, absolutely love the motor.

I have the 80#, 60” Ultrex on my Skeeter. Came on the boat but I have a Terrova same size as my backup. The Ultrex is a lot quicker on the turning and more intuitive coming from the older foot control models.

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