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Posted 8/17/2022 6:59 AM (#1010851 - in reply to #1010679)
Subject: Re: Imaging Transducer Mounting

Posts: 43

Location: Waite Park, MN
A couple comments, above, caught my eye on your AT use for casting. I’d appreciate your comments on using forward versus scout mode. Forward is good for seeing the whole water column, but pulling along a weed line I don’t see it as realistic for tracking my lure, with only 15 degrees of side-to-side viewing. Scout can show me the lure (and fish/follows provided they are in the 15 degrees vertically), and with the Rytek mount I can adjust the ducer based on how deep a lure runs. Mostly, I use it for the last 30 feet of viewing so I know if I have a follow. (Is that similar to the comment above about “the extra 5 feet”?). It does mean a lure change may require a ducer move, if I want that 20-30’ of visibility. Or, is your AT use for the few feet of retrieve before the eight?

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