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Posted 8/11/2022 8:30 AM (#1010679)
Subject: Imaging Transducer Mounting

Posts: 43

Location: Waite Park, MN
I have been experimenting with Lowrance's Active Target. A brief use of it late fall last year pulling suckers resulted in learning a bit about it in that application. It showed me if I was finding fish, and it greatly increased frustration because now I could watch a fish follow and tease a sucker and never eat!

This summer I installed it on the trolling motor via a Rytek mount. This allows me to point it to the side in Scout Mode while casting. Results include that I have occasionally watched a fish dash over to my lure, which was useful (at least I know I found a fish). I can also position the beam so I see my lure coming in the last 20-40 feet and I can see if I have a follow, but now I become a screen watcher, and that takes away the joy of fishing.

If I had more dynamic control over the 'ducer position, it might be a better asset for casting. I also would like to experiment with it for trolling, but a good mount with a bit of ducer position control seems to be needed with a 15-degree band.

Now to the question. I've been looking at the Cornfield Gear mount, the Brew City CT-360 and the Seefish Transducer mounts. The first is the most expensive (esp. with the electronic foot control), the Brew City seems solid as an adjustable, manual unit, and the Seefish is the cheapest.

My experience I don't want to be spending time constantly adjusting a 'ducer, I want to fish, but obtain some of the general benefits of imaging w/o becoming a techie watching a screen constantly (be the master, not the slave to technology). So, I've been leaning to the Brew City unit, but now I question some granular issues that I'd appreciate some feedback:
1. Would you install a unit like this on your casting side or opposite? It would seem it could/would interfere with figure 8'ng and fighting a fish and getting it away from the fish vicinity is wise.
2. Can you put it on the side and then point it to the rear for trolling as well as to the side when casting, and not get significant interference from other ducers on the back of the boat or have the motor block the beam?
3. If you've seen or have one of these types of devices installed, did you put it on a track or some sort of detachable base so you can drive safely with it stowed, be able to put it in the boat when trailering, etc.?

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