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Posted 8/1/2022 4:20 PM (#1010341 - in reply to #1010264)
Subject: Re: Additional Battery for Electronics?

Posts: 32889

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
I run a Helix 10 and 7 on the bow (both Megas with 360) and the Mega Live which needs its own power lead and switch. On the console, I have a Mega 8 and a G2 Heilx 7. When crappie fishing I have the livewell running on auto all the time, so I use a Deep cycle/start for the accessories mated to the start battery for my motor with its own charger (2 batteries in the back, two in the front). I plug everything in when I park the boat. No issues. I'll eventually go all lithium in the back for sure, maybe boat-wide. All my ice stuff runs lithium now, huge difference.

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