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OH Musky
Posted 7/31/2022 11:36 AM (#1010313 - in reply to #1010264)
Subject: Re: Additional Battery for Electronics?

Posts: 402

Location: SW Ohio
I’m running one Garmin 106SV and a networked Helix 10 on the bow along with a Helix 9 SI and Helix 9 GPS on the dash. Running them, two GoPro cameras and live well timer (for the fish that need some TLC) was running my group 27M battery down quite a bit to the point I’ve two no start issues with the outboard this year. I replaced the the starting battery with a 31M AGM last week but I’m also looking to separate the bow units by adding an Amped Outdoors 32 or 48 ah lithium. It will fit nicely in one of my front compartments, is light weight and will power a livescope unit if I decide to go that route. My Garmin has bad interference from the Ultrex that I’ve only been able to cure with a separate battery. So adding a 4th, albeit smaller, battery makes sense to me.

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