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North of 8
Posted 7/28/2022 7:50 AM (#1010204)
Subject: Buying a propeller

Couple weeks ago, traveling through an area directly across the lake from my house I hit something that I think was a submerged or floating log. Even though I was going 5 mph, it destroyed my lower unit. The prop was stainless steel and was on the boat when I bought it from original owner. Owner of the shop where I took it feels aluminum is the way to go on a motor/boat like mine, 90hp tiller, 18' Pro V.

The steel prop was a 14" 17pitch according to what was stamped on it. The prop that came with the motor and had never been used is a 14" 19pitch aluminum. The dealer is going to put that on and lake test when they finish the lower unit. If it runs well, would like to get another prop to have as back up. Any suggestions on where to buy, what to look for? This is not a high-performance rig and that is ok. Just want reliability and efficiency.

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