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North of 8
Posted 7/24/2022 11:37 AM (#1010043 - in reply to #1010042)
Subject: Re: EV To Pull Boat?

I have been looking at a lightning, it has incredible torque but the initial reviews are that heavy towing will drop range by a substantial amount. 775 ft pounds of torque is big diesel territory but EV torque is supposedly not the same as internal combustion torque measurement, according to one article.
I am looking to buy when they are again available, but my towing will not be for great distances.

I did find one owner review where the guy pulled an Air Stream that weighed 6,500 pounds and he estimated it reduced range by almost 50%. He did have the standard battery pack but don't think that would make a difference in range reductions.

Edited by North of 8 7/24/2022 12:06 PM

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