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Reef Hawg
Posted 6/13/2022 11:22 AM (#1006947 - in reply to #1006476)
Subject: Re: Solix/Helix?

Posts: 3518

Location: north central wisconsin
One last question I'd have for the Ranger guys(particularily Tiller if anyone), is if you wouldn't mind sharing a photo of your side imaging install, I'd appreciate. I was going to mirror my friends(same 690T as I have), where he installed a 3x3 angle on bottom of step. Gives great reading and protects, though loses at higher speeds like many. I realized my ducer is 3" longer so would be in the way of my drain plugs if I mounted same, and kept 2" in front of outboard. Wondering if flush mount under there would be ok. Thank you and sorry for the bother.

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