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Posted 6/1/2022 9:36 PM (#1006733 - in reply to #1004574)
Subject: Re: Ranger 620 service metro area

Posts: 921

Even though my 620 was purchased at Rapid in Ham Lake I have always used Frankie’s. It’s been a few years since it’s been in the shop though.

What really bothered me about Rapid is that they require you to leave the boat there even when they are weeks out. My boat ran fine and just needed something that wasn’t an emergency. So I asked them to just put me in line and call me a few days before and I can bring it right in. Nope. I was told it has to be left or else you don’t get a spot in line.

Hello? Why would I leave an operable boat there for 5 weeks?

I thought maybe I got a bad service rep but tried again with someone else and was told the same thing.

Stupid policy if you ask me.


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