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Reef Hawg
Posted 5/20/2022 2:24 PM (#1006499 - in reply to #1006476)
Subject: RE: Solix/Helix?

Posts: 3518

Location: north central wisconsin
Thank you guys. Just spoke with Kevin at Thornes also, and he stated that in addition to sharing map info, Solix can house 10,000 waypoints vs the 2500 in the Helix. I do find it odd to come from a 13 year old lowrance unit that holds 5,000 waypoints, to one that doesn't provide that. I'm not quite to 5,000 waypoints, so I'm not in the 'group files' sector, and not sure how I'll separate them out when converting to GPX files, though I'm sure it can't be too difficult. The one other thing he mentioned about Solix, is the ease of changing waypoint icon on the touch screen vs backing out and navigating back in through menus, not that it is an end all selling point. I still lean somewhat helix at price point, and I appreciate all the comments here, thusly.

Jason Schillinger

Edited by Reef Hawg 5/20/2022 2:25 PM

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