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Reef Hawg
Posted 5/20/2022 8:28 AM (#1006476)
Subject: Solix/Helix?

Posts: 3518

Location: north central wisconsin
While I don't post often anymore, I do appreciate the insight on the boats/motors threads. I have been on the fence for some time for new electronics. My HDS units are finally giving me enough grief that I'm ready to take the plunge into 'bird-land. I see there is a Solix 10 and Helix 10 available online. I see that Solix has higher screen resolution and has the ability to share maps between other Solix units. Are there other advantages of going Solix over Helix? I'm thinking 10" in back, 8 up front which is what I'm running now with my Lowrance though I'm not finding an 8 or 9" for up front readily available. While I don't presently have the mega down/si(?) transducer on my trolling motor, which unit should I be looking at for up front?

Lastly, I run a tiller with no more battery space. Can I safely run a 10" and 9" off my starting battery(yamaha 90), Duration 24 series AGM, presently running both 10" and 8" lowrance plus radio.

Any other thoughts/insight appreciated.

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