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Posted 4/30/2022 3:25 PM (#1004962 - in reply to #1004923)
Subject: RE: Musky Boat

Posts: 1726

Location: Mt. Zion, IL
North of 8 - 4/29/2022 12:26 PM

RyanJoz - 4/29/2022 10:55 AM

A few pictures of the rear extensions before finished. I built the same for a friend’s impact.

Thanks Ryan! Looks a lot like what I was thinking. Can't really tell from photo, did you leave a space for splash to flow out the drain holes? I built a deck extention last year I can take in and out but this would be nice too.

Hard to tell, but in the 3rd pic, you can see the supports stepped and the corner relieved to allow water to flow out the drain. Here are two finished pics.

Attachments 2D0E718D-3A78-4916-9C10-C42E483FFC2A.jpeg (165KB - 205 downloads)
Attachments E367E27E-7D0E-44A2-96FF-299DC6E11DC7.jpeg (174KB - 179 downloads)

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