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Musky Face
Posted 4/19/2022 5:36 PM (#1004632 - in reply to #1004584)
Subject: Re: Ranger 620 service metro area

Posts: 558

ojo1269 - 4/18/2022 8:30 PM

I have a friend who uses Cabellas in Rogers for his Ranger and he is satisfied with there work. I got mine at Frankies so I go there. In the past I used Rapid for another boat I purchased from them and every time I brought it in it was an adventure as to what was going to get screwed up. I have a hard time envisioning a scenario I'd ever go there again.

Thanks Mojo! I was going to bring it to rapid but was hesitant with there reviews and you said what I wanted to hear. Thank you! Ended up bringing it to cabelas. Thanks again!

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