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Posted 4/18/2022 8:26 AM (#1004551 - in reply to #1004350)
Subject: Re: Musky Boat

Posts: 121

Location: Twin Cities Metro
I got a new rig in August 2020. At the time, I was looking at the Lund Pro V Bass 1875 (they didn't have the Pro V Muskie yet). I had seen a number of them on the water at the boat launches, and they had a very acceptable freeboard (essentially gunnel height) for muskie fishing and they had a TON of deck space and storage. I think they had storage for 9'-10' rods in the center rod locker! Not a cheap rig, but what I would consider top of the line in an aluminum rig: spacious, stable, and able to handle relatively big water.

When I went to the dealership, they had a Crestliner Fish Hawk SE on the floor (single console). It came with significantly more bells and whistles than I needed, but it was pretty tough to pass up for $15K LESS than the Pro V Bass (and the Lund being "bare bones" mat that). The deck space is great, and I added the fold down seating in the stern to extend the casting deck pretty significantly. It's only 16'9", but it is a pretty awesome 2-person muskie boat.

So I guess my advice from my experience a couple years ago is: go to a dealership and stand in the boat to see what you think of the dimensions. Best of luck finding an awesome rig that suits you!

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