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Posted 4/15/2022 2:30 PM (#1004413 - in reply to #1004350)
Subject: Re: Musky Boat

Posts: 267

Yes they don't make the Fish Hawk Tiller anymore. Replaced with the Pro Tiller. I would take the Crestliner Pro Tiller over the Lund as there is no step up on the Crestliner near the gunnel on the back. I would like the Alumacraft the best of the three floor plan wise for a muskie boat. I would also agree with Kirby that the Fish Hawk (Console boat) has a great floor plan. I would also say I would rather have the older Fish Hawk with the lower casting decks than the newer Fish Hawk. When Crestliner moved from my hometown to New York Mills to the Lund factory, Crestliner changed some things I didn't care for as much. But they still are a great boat.

Edited by Smell_Esox 4/15/2022 2:31 PM

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