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North of 8
Posted 3/22/2022 12:14 PM (#1003765 - in reply to #1003763)
Subject: Re: Locking gas caps for boats

kdawg - 3/22/2022 11:32 AM

North of 8 - 3/22/2022 10:44 AM

ToddM - 3/22/2022 9:29 AM

kdawg - 3/22/2022 8:40 AM

ToddM - 3/11/2022 9:28 PM

Were there alot of boat gas thefts when gas was this high 3 presidents ago?
We were not coming out of a pandemic then with forced lockdowns,vaccinations, mask mandates. Two years of it. Now folks have to deal with the current conditions in the country. People that I talk to are angry, very angry. Crime also is much worse now with the defund the police bs. As far as replacing the cap, later on this spring, I'll talk with my local marina guys and see what they would recommend. Kdawg

Like I said was it like this in 08 when gas was this high and then the housing crisis? The media is making the people angry.

We were in the worst recession since the great depression in '08, unemployment was almost double what it is now and as Todd says, the housing market had crashed. Banks were folding like dominoes.
You can state all the examples you want and I'll counter with examples of my own. I'm not going to change your mind just as much as your not going to change mine. We'll know how the country feels in November so I'll give Steve a break and at least on my part, end this political beef. Now, if you could give me any advice on protecting my gas, I'll listen. Kdawg

I would try and see if you can insert at plastic hose/tube far enough down to actually be able to siphon gas. From what was posted, many have a device that is designed to block over filling but would also stop siphoning. That would be a first step. If you can successfully insert the tube, you might want to look for device that can be put into the filler neck. It has been a long time but back in the 1990s, my employer had several company cars that we all used and because they were in a parking ramp that provided cover for thieves, they got hit from time to time by gas thieves. The security officer couldn't find a locking cap for one of the cars, but found this wire device that you twisted as you inserted it into the filler tube. Think there was a small tool that came with it. It went far enough in to allow filling the tank, but you could not get a siphon hose down to the tank.
But, today even those things might not work. In Milwaukee thieves are simply punching large diameter hole into the tank itself and draining the tank, leaving a nasty repair job.

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