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North of 8
Posted 3/21/2022 6:37 PM (#1003736 - in reply to #1003735)
Subject: Re: Trolling boat set-up

MD75 - 3/21/2022 5:53 PM

North of 8- Yes it can be worth it to run a planer board even with just one line out. I find it most useful to keep a bait up higher that would usually go to deep or to position my bait over weeds and keep the boat out off the breakline. I would rather not run boards solo, but have found them to be a necessary evil at times....good luck!

Thanks. That was pretty much what I was doing the couple times I used them, putting the bait on a fairly short line to limit its depth and running the board out so that it was not in weeds but close the weedline. Just did it a couple times to get an idea of how they ran, how much line I needed to let out to get it the desired distance from the boat, etc.. Worked pretty well given my limited time with it. Being retired, I have time to play with stuff and that was one I plan to do more of this season. Have a neighbor who recently retired and wants go fishing more but has shoulder issues which limit how long he can cast, so may also do some two line trolling this summer.

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