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Posted 3/13/2022 7:23 PM (#1003466 - in reply to #1003459)
Subject: RE: Trolling boat set-up

Posts: 206

I wanted to expand my options for all species to include trolling but did not want the expense of having a kicker motor. After waiting 6 months for a 90 HP Yamaha I took delivery of an 185 AlumaCraft Competitor tiller in late August 2020. Boat has since seen GB on a regular basis plus Vermillion and numerous lakes in Northern Wisconsin. The 90 yami will troll down to just under 2 mph and the boat is big enough for larger bodies of water. That being said I won't do Green Bay with a NE wind but I can still get it into those gravel Launches in northern Wis. I prefer to cast but when the situation is right I troll and we had a nice 3 fish day pulling 22 Longs in Northern Wiscon last fall when we observed fish suspended off structure on the side imaging. IMO the boat has a better layout than the comparable crestliner and a lower price point than Lund. As my friends pointed out it a great boat for an old man.
Good Luck

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