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Posted 2/21/2022 11:31 AM (#1002689)
Subject: HB trolling motors

Posts: 7

Been an HB user for some time and no regrets. But I am thinking about upgrading my gen 2 stuff for possible livescope and other improvements. My primary issue is that I likely will upgrade my bowmount as well and I am concerned that the unit still operates with brushes and is not as efficient as the competition. To operate as a system you cannot mix and max bowmount with the screens so I am at a crossroads. Is HB going brushless or am I going to upgrade to a whole different product? In my latest boat I have been using my bowmount exclusively for trolling and the batteries only last 5 to 6 hours. More efficient bowmount would help. If lithium was not so expensive as well as new charging system it might be a solution.

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