Posts: 1189
Location: Bagley,MN 56621 | Hi Dave, I have yet to see or hear an E-tec, but have 3 sold/ordered already based on design and features that this motor brings to the table.
I think that some of the info you have gotten is incorrect:
1) E-tec is not quieter than a 4-stroke. It has specialized baffles,etc. in the cowling to redirect and muffle sound..but as an Evinrude rep would say, "It has it's own signature sound".....4 strokes are the quietest(is that a word?)
2)I would not go as far as saying they are more fuel efficient as a 4-stroke either..but very equal in fuel efficiency.
What they do have an advantage over 4-strokes is their emmissions. E-tec's are cleaner than any clean they have met the European Union (EU) rating for carbon one else has that.Coming from an Ag backround and the bio-tech industry, it is major kudo's to get new technology recognized and praised in Europe.....they are just tough nuts to crack and very cautious people.
I think the most dramatic difference in the E-tec (which is a direct injected 2-stroke motor), even OVER other direct injected 2-stroke technology...i.e Ficht (E-tec is not Ficht),HPDI and Opti-Max is that they have WAYYY less moving parts than their DI relatives and especially a 4-stroke.
Have 4-strokes had a great track record..YES
Have very few of them come back for service...YES
I think if you ask any 4-stroke owner how they like their 4-stroke, the response will be unamimous that they love them and everyone should get one, no matter what stickers are on the side of it.
As a motor salesmen I dont think any of us would lose sleep over selling you a 4-stroke and worrying about you having future problems and not being a happy customer.....BUT....In my humble opinion I much prefer the 2-stroke and like to think that long long term it will be much more reliable due to less moving parts.
In your HP range you really could flip a coin....weight/torque/holeshot/speed,etc is extremely minimal in performance if at all. The big differences come in the 150+ stuff. I'm running a 200 Ficht, when E-tec gets to be in that size I will own's a better version of the direct injection I am running now. Do I currently have problems...nope, just like the thoughts of a better mousetrap and less to go wrong.